31 Jan 2024
International Expert Meeting in Barcelona 31 January – 1 February 2024
During this expert meeting we will be celebrating the results of a project that started in 2013 with an international youth meeting in Berlin and that has grown into a multi-lingual online toolbox against discrimination reaching more than 10,000 educators and through them tens of thousands of students. Over two days we will look at what has been achieved and consider how the process of supporting educators in discussing diversity and discrimination with their learners can be carried further. The aim is to help young people to become active citizens who promote respect and equality in society.
We are inviting educational experts to review the ongoing development of this project by giving input on its strengths and weaknesses, highlighting both opportunities and challenges in supporting educators in formal and non-formal educational settings to address prejudices and discrimination. Youth leaders from various backgrounds will also be invited to share their experiences as peer educators and their insights on what is needed to inspire more young people to speak out and take action.
View the program here.
If you would like to attend the meeting, please email us at info@storiesthatmove.org
The meeting will take place at:
The University of Barcelona,
Campus Mundet, Migdia Building, Pg. de la Vall d’Hebron, 17, 08035, Barcelona