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Webinar Recognising and countering antisemitic stereotypes and prejudice


Between September and December, UNESCO and EuroClio are co-organising a series of seven webinars on tackling antisemitism through education. This third webinar in the series focusses on recognising and countering antisemitic stereotypes and prejudice and the ways of addressing them through education.

Karen Polak from the Stories that Move team of trainers will introduce the online toolbox and share stories of young Jews who have experienced antisemitism. You will have the chance to discover how Stories that Moves works and experience some exercises.

Michał Bilewicz from the University of Warsaw will also contribute to the webinar, providing a background to the issues addressed in this webinar. After the two presentations, you will be able to direct your questions to the experts. The webinars will be delivered in English and simultaneously interpreted in French and German.

The “Addressing antisemitism through education in Europe” project is implemented in partnership with the Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe (OSCE) Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme.

More info on how to sign up for the webinar and details about the event will follow soon.

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