Začnite s Stories that Move
Online vzdelávací nástroj o rozmanitosti a diskriminácii
For educators involved with international youth exchanges we have developed four ready-to-use scenarios that work with/ to use with Stories that Move.
Many teachers tell us they feel it is important that their students realise that the problems of inequality and discrimination that they face in their country are actually Europe-wide problems.
Teachers who have worked with Stories that Move in exchange groups mention that students are often surprised to learn that the kind of prejudices that minorities face in their communities are also experienced elsewhere. They say students respond positively to the stories of young people from other countries. Working with Stories that Move had led to engaged exchanges.
The educational methods presented here were developed during an expert meeting at the Foundation Krzyżowa for Mutual Understanding in Europe.
In the brochure you will find the following:
The basis for this brochure was developed at the Stories that Move International Expert Meeting hosted by the Foundation Krzyżowa for Mutual Understanding in Europe from 28 to 30 November 2022.
The experts taking part included schoolteachers, non-formal educators and youth activists from Ukraine, Spain, Poland, the Netherlands, Malta, Italy and Germany, and representatives of the European Parliament Ambassador School Programme (EPAS). Many of the participants are also involved in eTwinning projects. They brought together a wealth of experience with international youth exchanges. We would like to express our thanks to everyone who was at this meeting for sharing their ideas and their creativity.
Participants of the Stories that Move International Expert Meeting 30 November 2022 at Foundation Krzyżowa for Mutual Understanding in Europe